Archives For November 30, 1999

Update: rain looking slower to clear on Saturday! Old forecast: Friday night will be wet but the rain should clear off fairly early on Saturday morning, it will be a damp start though.  Once the early rain clears off the rest of the weekend for Reigate looks dry and fair.

Westerly winds dominate next week with low pressure staying in the north and occasionally swinging a few fronts and maybe a lively wave depression across the country around Wednesday / Thursday.  The west of the UK looks distinctly wet but for us in Reigate it looks like the rain won’t amount to anything very much until later in the week. 

Hello winter!

October 25, 2012 — Leave a comment

Temperatures are falling across the UK tonight.  Reigate temperatures have fallen from a high of 13.3C at 2:30am Thursday morning to 9.3C now at 10:28pm and expected to fall much further.

Sunday 21 October will be wet for Reigate, with Monday through Tuesday getting unseasonably warm – but probably remaining cloudy and autumnal.  Make the most of it because thereafter things get interesting with a HIGH pressure building to the North, LOW pressure drifting into Biscay and feeding COOL air from more easterly and northerly winds blowing across the UK.  How quickly this cold air feeds down to Reigate is uncertain but Wednesday onwards looks increasingly cool but dry for the South East.

Update: CANCEL the “dry” bit!  The charts below show a big cold polar low drifting down over the East of the UK and North Sea from Iceland and Greenland: this will bring a chilly blast of Arctic air across the UK with snow in Scotland, sleet over Wales and a real taste of winter for the rest of us.

Some models are predicting a COLD northern hemisphere winter this year: the Japanese global forecast and UK Met Office long range both agree that average temps will be about 1.5C below normal.  This means perhaps 4 or 5 spells of really cold weather interspersed with warmer spells.

Dig out your winter coats over half term: will winter start in mid november as this CFS model suggests?

Looks like this at the moment: rain clearing away overnight Thursday and should be dry Friday.  Rain spreading overnight Friday night and some showers through Saturday morning. Temperatures a cool 10C during Friday morning, climbing to a max of 12C, then falling to a chilly 5 or 6C by dawn on Saturday. Wrap up campers!

The LOW predicted yesterday for Sunday has seemingly melted away, but likely to get significantly cooler next week.

One to watch: GFS models are suggesting a nasty polar depression threatening all of UK on Sunday but bringing especially strong winds to southern UK: it’s 25 years since the Great october Storm – time for an anniversary?.  Or not (it’s a way off!).